Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The Second way Satan attempts to Influence Believers...

Chapter Eleven:  

In the previous chapter we looked at how wicked spirits are responsible for provoking a believer to commit sin.  Gurnall broke it down into two types of sin that we can be enticed to commit. In the previous chapter we looked at the first one, sins in the heart

We will look at the second type of sin that wicked spirits try to entice believers to do.  Gurnall tells us that they are those directly related to spiritual topics. Because of the topics they address, he labels them as spiritual sins. Just as sins in the heart corrupt the inner man rather than the body, so also do spiritual sins.  Gurnall  believes Satan has two favorite spiritual sins, those being errors involving spiritual principles, and errors resulting in spiritual pride.

The first errors involve spiritual principles. The Apostle Paul spent quite a bit of his time amongst the churches in Galatia, Corinth and Philippi trying to undo the erroneous teachings and false teachings that had crept in after he had presented the Gospel message.  "The Word is the mirror in which we see Christ and, seeing Him, are changed into His likeness by the Holy Spirit. If the glass is cracked, our conception of Him will be distorted, whereas the Word in its native clearness sets Christ out in all His glory ", Gurnall  tells us.  It is Satan's main objective to distort this message of hope.  Having us accept false doctrines and teachings that do not line up with the Word of God is a great victory to him. 

So, how do we prepare ourselves so that we aren't accepting of error or false teachings? We must make sure we have had a true change of heart, are crucifying our flesh daily, and that our faith in Christ is fully rooted and we are diligently spending time in God's Word. If we are firmly established in Christ and in the Word, error will be choked out as fast as it tries to spring up. As we study and grow, we need to be wary of new doctrines that are presented to us. We must never easily nor hastily accept everything we hear, even from the pulpit. We have every right to look into it, study it for ourselves, and pray about it before we accept it.

The second type of error is spiritual pride, which can come in many forms.  Gurnall has us look at where he believes we can most easily fall into spiritual pride, and that is when we feel we're superior by having any one of the following three:  pride of gifts, pride of grace or pride of privilege.  

By pride of gifts, he means "those spiritual abilities the Holy Spirit dispenses to Christians for the edification of the body of Christ as a whole".  The Apostle Paul spoke of these gifts in First Corinthians 12:4.  Each one of us is gifted by God, so as to serve and build up one another. But let pride creep in, and we begin to feel superior to those who we feel have lesser gifts.  

Then there's the sin that's referred to as the pride of grace. This is where we erroneously trust in our own goodness, rather than remembering that it's God's grace that saves us and helps us to grow. We are to put forth our best effort in whatever we are doing, but in an attitude of knowing we are incapable of anything good apart from God. 

Gurnall warns us, "Where pride reigns, God will chasten. He may let you fall into a sin that will humiliate you before men and God, and force you to come crawling home in shame. Or He may use a thorn in the flesh to prick the balloon of your pride. If your pride has placed His honor in jeopardy, expect to feel God's rod of correction. Most likely it will be applied to the very spot where your pride is rooted. The only thing that will keep you from it is your humility. Remember whom you wrestle with - spiritual wickedness. They will try to convince you that your spiritual accomplishments are a result of your own efforts and that you deserve the credit for them....Where pride flourishes, the body of Christ suffers." 

The only remedy for the pride of grace is for us to repent as we come to terms with the fact that there is nothing we can do to save ourselves. Until we understand that it is only by the grace of God that we are redeemed, by Christ's paying for our sins, it will be our natural tendency to fall back on works. It's difficult to believe that there is nothing we need to do, nor can do. However, God loves us so much that He makes the way to heaven available to every person, regardless of how they've lived their lives prior to becoming born again and becoming heirs with Christ! 

Lastly, there is the pride of privilege, the third kind of pride that wicked spirits will use. There are several types of "privilege". There's the pride that comes from being in a place of prominence, such as a being a high official or running a large ministry. There's the pride that comes from being persecuted. While suffering for God is to be considered a privilege, some will use their suffering as a way to get sympathy, or recognition or even use it for their own personal gain.  Then there's the pride that comes from being blessed by God, by being financially well-off or born into a family of status. The proper response to any blessings from God should be one of thankfulness and seeking to find out how He desires us to use these blessings for the good of the Kingdom. 

Gurnall's desire is that we are well informed of what methods Satan will try to use in order to undermine our usefulness as a soldier for God and why:  Satan's greatest achievement will be to get us mired in spiritual wickedness, "the ones that sear your conscience, blind your minds and petrify your hearts.  If ever you perish, it will be by the hand of these sins. Other sins are preparatory (preparation) to spiritual sins. Satan therefore draws you into carnal sin to bring you ultimately into spiritual sin." 

If we are engaged in carnal sin, it makes us more disposed to proceed on to spiritual sin, as any sin, by its very nature, hardens the heart. Hebrews 3:13 warns us, "Lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin."  If we continue to beat down a path toward sin and do not give heed to the Holy Spirit's  warning to leave that path and go to God for forgiveness in order to regain a softened heart, then we could end up with empty, hardened hearts. 

However, God will do everything He can to help us if we go to Him and ask for His help.  He is showing us these things so that we can be softened, be changed and have hearts that are full of humility, as this is what stops pride from retaining any hold upon us. We must not ignore any sin He exposes, any opportunity to soften us. He puts these opportunities before us so that He can replace our hearts with even softer hearts.  Like a loving Father, God will use whatever means He has to in order to save us from bad choices. If we are eager to hear, and change whatever He shines His light upon, we will hear His tender voice saying, "This is the way, walk in it!"   

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