Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The Position We are to Take in the Fight...

Chapter Thirteen:

Gurnall has spent a lot of time in his book, thus far, preparing us to receive our battle armor, but has yet to explain to us the various pieces of the armor. I believe it's because he understood that preparation was just as important as having the armor itself.  What use would it be to you to be given a weapon without having been given any instruction on why you needed it or how it would best be used to protect you? 

This last piece of preparation, before we learn about the pieces of our armor, is in order to teach us how we are to position ourselves when we are in the fight.  Ephesians 6:14 tells us we must, "Stand firm...".  We are to stand valiantly in opposition to our enemy, we are to resist steadfastly and to never yield to the attacks of Satan. In order to be able to do this, we must determine in our hearts to adhere to whatever orders we receive from our Commander in Chief.  Gurnall says,   "If we are to be successful soldiers, the preservation of God's honor must always take precedence over our fears. Just as an earthly soldier represents his country's honor in battle, the Christian represents God's honor whenever he is called to contend with temptation. Such testing quickly reveals how far we are willing to go in defending our Sovereign's reputation."

We must remember that our safety lies in resisting, while we stand firm. If we yield to temptation along the perimeter of our hearts, we are giving the enemy a foothold from which to create havoc in our inner spirit.  For instance, we may become bitter and angry and say something thoughtless. At that very moment our unholy words are giving the devil entry and we end up saying things that surprise even us. The safest thing is to give him no entry at all so that he acquires no ground from us.       "If you so much as hesitate as you walk by the door where sin dwells, you give Satan more time to entice you to enter. Then you are on his territory."

Gurnall also warns us of the importance of being watchful as we stand, "Watchfulness is more important for the Christian soldier than any other. In temporal battles, soldiers fight against men who need sleep the same as themselves, but the saint's enemy, Satan, is always awake and walking his rounds. Since the devil never sleeps, the Christian puts himself in grave danger by falling asleep spiritually - that is, by becoming secure and careless. Either the unregenerate part of his nature will betray him, or grace will not be alert to discover the enemy and prepare for the assault. Satan will be upon him before he is awake enough to draw his sword. You should be aware that the saint's sleeping time is Satan's prime tempting time."         If we desire to be a true soldier for Christ, we must always remain watchful, reserving our time of rest for when we reach home and are out of danger.

Gurnall goes on to point out that "we are to stand in our own place and not to usurp another's. To stand implies proper rank, order and station for each soldier, as opposed to disorder. Military discipline allows no one to stir from his proper place without special reason. It should be the concern of every Christian (to remain) in his assigned place. The devil's method is first to rout (retreat), and then to ruin."  Numbers 2:2 shows us that the Israelites were commanded, every man, "to pitch by his own standard". This meant they were to be arranged in order, as in a military formation.

To stand also means that we stay within the bounds of our place and calling. To take even one step in a different direction from where you are told to be is a departure from God. Whenever we are in any place, or doing any task that we are not told to do can cause us to be doing it without God. Paul tells us, " Brethren, let every man, wherein he is called, therein abide with God."(First Corinthians 7:24).  If we love to walk in God's company, we must abide in our place and calling. If we are doing that which we are told, we will have heaven's protection. But if we wander off or do that which is of our own choosing, we are opening ourselves up to the surprise attack that often befalls a soldier that has aimlessly wandered away from his companions.   And just as we are to stay within the boundaries of our own calling, we may give ourselves more difficulty if we venture into areas God did not intend for us. Before we venture out, we  must ask ourselves if we are truly prepared and equipped should any storm overtake us.

Just as the weakest areas of the battle line need to have the strongest guard, so also does our spirit.  We need to make sure we are not among those who leave the place of their calling. Some do it out of pride as they are not happy with their calling and are jealous for another. As in the case of Absalom, it was not the zeal for justice that made him strive for his father's crown, but rather his greedy ambition which he hid behind his zealous outward appearance (Second Samuel, Chapter 15).  Others will leave because of their unbelief, or due to their refusal to take orders from another that God has placed over them. They do not see it as being for their protection, that another has more experience in God's army than they.  So, in disobedience they leave.  

We must remember that as a soldier we must remain wakeful and watchful. Any duty we perform for the cause of Christ will oftentimes take us very near the enemy's camp, so we must do our best to pass by, undetected. If your approach sounds the alarm, he will come out immediately to oppose you. It is to our advantage to remain watchful. It will keep us out of Satan's grasp. It allowed the enemy to trap King David, who was in a state of spiritual slumber when he rose from his bed, walked upon the roof of his house, and cast his eye on Bathsheba (Second Samuel 11:2). Headlong he fell, into Satan's trap, and while he eventually repented, it cost him dearly.

It is in our best interest to stand and watch. Gurnall gave us a necessary warning when he said, "Christian, it is so very important to make sure your sentry lamp does not go out in this darkness, and your enemy catches you unawares. If you drift off into spiritual slumber, you are an easy mark for his wrath. And you may be sure if you do let sleep overtake you, the devil will hear of it....Some Christians, having been injured in a serious fall into sin, will be very careful for a while as to where they walk and the kind of company they keep. But as the soreness of their conscience wears off, they forget to keep watch and become as careless as ever....Be especially careful to watch yourself in those areas where you know you are weak. The weakest part of the city needs the strongest guard; watch most carefully the area you find weakest."

Knowing there will be those who will maliciously put stumbling blocks along your way, you will need much resolve to get around them. We must rely upon God to guide us. It takes a trusting faith in our Heavenly Father to continue on when everything and everyone seems against you, and it may test you to your very core. But persist to the end we must.  Daniel 11:32, promises us "The people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits."  Let us make the commands of God our absolute standard of truth and of duty, the foundation of our hope, and the light to our paths. It will guide us through this dark world, to the glorious inheritance that awaits us above.

Gurnall said, "This perseverance is hard work! Taking up the cross daily, praying always, watching night and day and never laying aside our armour to indulge ourselves, sends many sorrowful away from Christ."    Our hearts must be steadfastly fixed upon God, or we will find it easy to compromise and run when faced with adversity. We must be ready to be called up by our Commander at any time and to always be ready for whatever task is laid before us.  

When you have done these preventive measures and have taken your stand as commanded, you will discover that your house will be secure against any attack of the devil. And you will still be standing when the enemy meets his end. And one of the sweetest things you will discover, as you obediently stand as directed, is that the Lord Himself will come to keep you company. It is the watchful soul that Christ delights to be with!

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